“I just think you keep inspired to paint when you’re with other artists.”

– Saundra Marie Blackburn Puckett,, BAA president 1969-70


Love art? Join BAA!

Bartlesville Art Association membership is open at any time. Your membership runs for one year from the date your registration is received. 

Student Membership, grades 9 to 12 – FREE
Public School Art Teacher – FREE
Adult Individual Membership – $40
Family Membership – $50
Sustaining Membership – $100 
Patron Membership – $100+

Free Memberships for Public School Art Teachers and High School Students

Donations welcome

We welcome donations to BAA on top of membership fees. Your donation will help us fund scholarships, buy art equipment, tools and supplies, and promote our programs throughout the community. Thank you for your support.

All donations to BAA are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. BAA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

The Bartlesville Art Association is a group of individuals who see the importance of sharing the love of art throughout the community

Please use the form by mail below, or email a request for membership to bartlesvilleartassociation@gmail.com. Public School Teacher and High School Student memberships are FREE. 

BAA Membership benefits:

BAA: Did you know...

• BAA partners with other non-profits on civic art projects such as painting the carousel horses at the Kiddie Park

• We honor a Schmoldt Champion of the Arts each year to recognize outstanding efforts to advance BAA

• BAA awards grant and scholarship monies to other organizations who provide training in the visual arts 

• Last year BAA awarded Virginia N. Sweet Memorial Scholarships of $3,000 total to three graduating high school seniorsBA


BAA is constantly evolving. If there is an event, civic project, collaboration or class or workshops you think would be great for BAA please bring it to the attention of a board member.