BAA Mission Statement
The mission of the Bartlesville Art Association, which depends on the efforts of its member volunteers, is:
1. To support and encourage the visual arts by artists and art appreciators in Bartlesville and surrounding areas.
2. To assist in and encourage education in the visual arts with an emphasis on youth art education, and
3. To organize and promote volunteer-operated events that provide a forum for public presentation of member artwork.
2024 Board
President: Janet Odden
Treasurer: Cindy Wray
Denise Parks
Youth Education: Steven Graham
Fred Cook
Jarrett Cowden
Amy Jenkins
Jon Lindblom
Erich Minton
Dedra Morgan
Steve Russell
Kathleen Rutledge
Josh Waddell
Stacy Lewallen
Website: Celeste Cleary
Board meetings are on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 pm at BAA.
Board members will be elected during our annual meeting held during the business meeting at our annual Christmas Party.
If you would like to be on the board or volunteer in any way with BAA please contact one of the board members or email

Bartlesville Art Association is a group of individuals who see the importance of sharing the love of art throughout the community.

Community Partners
Price Tower Arts Center – BAA volunteers have helped Price Tower Gallery break down exhibits, paint the gallery, and hang new shows. We organized Family Fun Day Sunday monthly events. Our annual members show will hang in the Price Tower Gallery in November 2023.
Washington County SPCA – we have donated over $1,000 to WCSPCA by hosting several “Paint Your Pet” parties.
Bartlesville Arts Network – we coordinated with other area arts non-profits to help each other be more successful. A calendar of arts events appeared in the Examiner-Enterprice each Wednesday.
Bartlesville Kiddie Park – our volunteer artists adopt and paint the carousel horses every ten years or so.
Kiwanis Club of Bartlesville – BAA has participated in Kiwanies event such as Kiwanis Holiday Wreath Display.
OKM Music Festival & Bartlesville Community Center – BAA has offered local art by our members for sale during the festival.
OLLI-OSU at Bartlesville – BAA hosts art classes for seniors via Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, a program administered by OSU.
Westside Community Center – in 2018 BAA conducted a holiday art supplies drive for the after school programs at WCC.
Bartlesville Public Library – BAA exhibits our members’ artwork in a lobby display at the library each year.
City of Bartlesville – in 2018 we worked with the city to make the public art Wings mural in the alley off Frank Phillips between Johnstone and Dewey.
A brief history of Bartlesville Art Association
During the early 1950s, a group of artists painted together at Herb Sheller’s studio in Bartlesville but needed more space. They noticed a park shelter that had degenerated into a hostel for hobos and makeshift barn for horses. The group asked for permission from the City to fix up the dilapidated building. On May 13, 1952, the group drafted a constitution and became formally known as the Bartlesville Artists Association. Paul Perkins was elected the first president in the Association’s new home: The Art Center in Johnstone Park.
The Art Center was the beloved home of BAA where classes, workshops, and other events were hosted for the next 65 years, including our annual Spring Art Show and Sale, one of the longest-running civic events in Bartlesville.
The name of the organization was changed to the Bartlesville Art Association in 1965 to encourage membership not only of artists but anyone who appreciates art and wants to help promote the visual arts in Bartlesville. BAA incorporated, becoming a tax-exempt not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization.
In 2016 BAA began raising funds for much needed repairs to The Art Center. The building was deemed to be in a flood plain and as such the City could no longer maintain it. Around this time Scott Ambler generously invited BAA to move to a little-used office building in the Price Tower Arts Center and we gratefully accepted. In April 2017 to the annex building of Price Tower, the landmark skyscraper designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. The old Art Center was razed shortly after the move. BAA stayed at Price Tower Arts Center through June 2023, when we made the move to our new space at Comanche Center at Frank Phillips Blvd & Comanche Ave.
BAA is thriving with art activities nearly every day. We have partnered with civic organizations and our local schools to provide arts education and promotion of the visual arts. Bartlesville is recognized as one of the top arts communities in the state. Thank you to all who founded BAA, those who continue to support us, and all members past and present.
Recipients of
Schmoldt Champion of BAA Award
Hans & Jimmie Schmoldt
2017 Jan & Merlin Clark
2018 Dedra Morgan
2019 Steve & Diane Leroux
2020 Steven Graham
2021 Price Tower Art Center and Scott Ambler
2023 Amy Jenkins
Past Presidents of Bartlesville Art Association
Paul Perkins 1952-53
Bruce Weaver 1953-54
Don Nick 1954-55
Jim Sloan 1955-56
Ida Mae Moore 1956-57
Ida Mae M. Kendricks 1956-57
Vivian Ballard 1958-59
Aura Dean Hawk 1959-60
Lela Brown 1960-62
Curtis Hicks 1962-63
Jack Grace 1962-63
Conrad Brown 1963-64
Suzanne Atkinson 1964-65
Barbara Courtney 1965-66
Dick Thomas 1966-67
Shirley Packard 1967-68
Jim Tebow 1968-69
Marie Blackburn 1969-70
Clark Chapman 1970-71
Caroline Nowack 1971-72
Odie McReynolds 1972-73
Lynn Schwartz 1973-74
Odie McReynolds 1974-75
Carol Lacquement 1975-76
Carl Elkan 1976-78
JoAnne Myers 1978-79
Virginia N. Sweet 1979-80
Barbara Kuepker 1980-81
Caroline Nowack 1981-82
Pat Salinsky 1982-83
Sonya Terpening 1983-84
Odie McReynolds 1984-85
Ed VanDenBark 1985-86
Lyn Bohon 1986-88
June Pritchard 1988-89
Pearl Dabbar 1989-90
Ruth Mosher 1990-91
Edwige Denyszyn 1992-93
Jim Pritchard 1993-95
Bill Bohon 1995-97
Lon Erwin 1997-98
Merlin Clark 1998-00
JoAnn Wood Rogers 2000-02
Ruth Mosher 2002-03
Ragon Steele 2003-05
Ruth Mosher 2005-06
Nona Cross 2006-08
Steve Leroux 2008-10
John Hufford 2010-11
Steve Leroux 2011-12
JoAnn Vann 2012
Dedra Morgan 2012-14
Ragon Steele 2014-15
Kim Inman 2015-16
Amy Jenkins 2016-2019
Kathleen Rutledge 2019-2023
Janet Odden 2024-present